The Best Picture Books about Death for Children
Our kids have only had to deal with death one time in their lives - and that was when our pet fish Boppity died. Death is tragic and it’s hard to deal with, and it can certainly be confusing when you’re young and you’re trying to understand it for the first time.
And that’s exactly what it was like for our kids when Boppity died. It was sudden and surprising, and incredibly sad. We buried him in the backyard under a tree, we said some happy things we remembered about him, and we thanked him for being a good friend. Our son wanted to pour some water in the hole with him.
And that was it - the first time our kids had to try and process what death meant. And it was their first experience with some of the rituals we have surrounding death too. As a parent, it can be hard to know what you’re supposed to do for your kids during those sad times. What are the right words to say?
I feel strongly that picture books can be a very helpful way to process difficult topics like death - for the same reason I recommend them for teaching all sorts of important life lessons. Books are windows into other people’s lives, and living through their experiences alongside them can build empathy and expose us to a lot of new things. And, most importantly, you then have time to process those experiences from a safe distance.
Of course books can also be mirrors of your own life. For children that are trying to come to terms with the death of a loved one, it can be therapeutic to share those same experiences with others - and then watch and observe from a distance to see how they handle their feelings. And when you’re experiencing something for the first time, It can be welcomed news that there is nothing wrong with the way you are feeling.
Thinking back to when we buried Boppity, and I didn’t feel like I knew exactly what to say to our kids, I can safely say that picture books help me as a dad too. The books on this list give me a powerful toolbox full of many of the right words. And I hope they prove useful to you as well.
I wanted to provide a wide range of picture books about death with this list. Some of these books handle death with a touch of comic relief, while others are much more solemn. Some deal in euphemisms, while others tackle death head-on with an honesty that many kids will find refreshing. But all of these books are definitely beautiful, and many of them heartbreakingly so.
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Honorable Mention: Goldfish Ghost
Written by Lemony Snicket and Illustrated by Lisa Brown
Goldfish Ghost earns an honorable mention because it reminds us of our fish Boppity. The death of a goldfish is often a child’s first experience with death, just like it was in our house, and I think our 6-year-old son might be drawn to it for that reason. And although it’s the book on this list that deals with the actual grieving process the least (it’s more of a humorous take on the subject), he’d likely tell you that this is his favorite book of the bunch.
Goldfish Ghost is an exploration of life after death for a a recently deceased fish. We’re big fans of Lemony Snicket’s picture books, and this is certainly no exception. And Lisa Brown’s illustrations give Goldfish Ghost incredible character that really inspires our son to grab it off the shelf. He likes taking this imaginary journey with a dead fish. And it’s soothing to imagine him ending up in a happy place.
20. The Last Meal
Written by Yuno and Illustrated by Nadia Popova
The Last Meal absolutely blew me away by exploring a topic I never in a million years would have thought of exploring with my kids - death row inmates choosing their last meal. It truly had me in uncontrollable tears.
This is a powerful book and a it’s a spectacular feat of empathy that Yuno has so successfully humanized all of the characters in the story. And empathy is the crux of matter here. It’s impossible for many of us to relate with the fear of knowing you are about to be killed, but just trying to somehow stir up that emotion is powerful.
The art is also very endearing, with all of the characters being various animals. Of course it also really opens up a challenging conversation - but it’s simply fantastic for building empathy, and reflecting, and it’s very worth while.
19. The Memory Tree
Written and Illustrated by Britta Teckentrup
The Memory Tree is the story of a fox who dies, and how all of his friends in the forest gather around to tell loving tales about him. As you can imagine, it starts out difficultly with fox lying down in the snow and going to sleep forever. But ultimately it’s a very tender story that reminds us exactly how our loved ones live on - in our memory.
The Memory Tree uses a beautiful metaphor of a tree growing where fox died. The more they remember about fox, the more the tree grows. In the end, it actually shelters the animals and gives them strength. I think it can be very soothing for kids to hear that people live on in us because of the impression they made on us in life.
18. Addy’s Cup of Sugar
Written and Illustrated by Jon J. Muth
My family is in love with every single book featuring Stillwater the great panda. His wisdom knows no bounds and Muth’s watercolor illustrations never cease to amaze me. The books are always so beautiful and soothing and wise - and the latest book, Addy’s Cup of Sugar, is certainly no exception. Stillwater is still one of the best teachers out there.
Addy loses her beloved cat in a car accident and it’s a devastating and lonely feeling. And Stillwater wants to help Addy by relaying an ancient Buddhist lesson in healing. He sends her to collect a cup of sugar from someone in the neighborhood, but it has to come from someone who has never experienced death. Ultimately the book manages to pull off the sometimes helpful message that death is an inevitable part of everyone’s life, and the important thing is to remember the time that we spent together.
17. The Funeral
Written and Illustrated by Matt James
The Funeral is a wonderful change of pace for picture books about death, because it’s told from a surprisingly honest perspective that you don’t think about much. The funeral in this book is that of a great uncle, someone you can assume the kids in this book probably didn’t know all too well. From the perspective of the young cousins in this book, it’s one of those days where the adults are all acting sad, but the kids are actually pretty happy to see each other and play together outside.
Most people have memories very much like this from their childhood. Oftentimes our first funerals are memorable for trying to come to terms with the unfamiliar rituals and feelings on display, and it’s certainly not unusual to process the whole thing in a very different way from the adults. That definitely makes this book a great story for kids to see themselves in, and it also serves as a useful reminder of perspective for adults.
That’s not to say that the enormity of the situation is entirely lost on the children. The proceedings also give them moments of quiet and thoughtful reflection. It’s just that they also are very excited to live and play together in a perfectly childlike way. And together it makes a wonderful juxtaposition and provides a wonderful opportunity for the reader to reflect on what’s beautiful in life.
16. Death is Stupid
Written and Illustrated by Anastasia Higginbotham
What makes Death is Stupid stand apart from other books about death is how brutally honest it is. It throws the euphemisms out the window and embraces the types of honest questions that kids are going to have when someone dies.
Death is Stupid is the kind of book I’m very happy to have on my side to help my kids process death. And what an awesome title, right? I mean, death is pretty stupid, isn’t it? And kids like to hear it. This book is a decidedly different approach to exploring the topic of death with kids and for that reason I think there’s a great need for it.
15. The Tenth Good Thing About Barney
Written by Judith Viorst and Illustrated by Erik Blegvad
The highly-acclaimed author of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day also wrote this little tear-jerker of a book called The Tenth Good Thing About Barney. After the boy’s cat dies, the picture of his mother hugging him in bed gets me every time.
It’s hard to speak at funerals. Not only is it hard to know what to say, but it can be incredibly hard to get the words out too. At this funeral for his cat, Barney, the boy tries to list off ten good things about his cat, but he can only think of nine until the very end of the book.
A have to applaud Viorst for tackling the argument about where Barney is now that he’s dead - in Heaven, or in the ground. Ultimately, dad points out that we don’t really know. That’s a pretty healthy dose of wisdom for you to run with any way you choose.
14. Ida, Always
Written by Caron Levis and Illustrated by Charles Santoso
Ida, Always is inspired by a real pair of polar bears that lived together in New York’s Central Park Zoo. Ida gets sick and eventually dies, and Gus is left to grieve deeply. His sadness is palpable because Levis does such a remarkable job building up the strong bond between Ida and Gus.
I think the thing that really sets Ida, Always apart from other picture books about death is the significant amount of time that Gus and Ida spend together in the book after they already know that Ida is dying. It reminds me a lot of the powerful book A Monster Calls - in which a boy’s mother is dying of cancer throughout the book.
Knowing that your best friend is going to die can cause an entirely different range of emotions than the ones that arise after their death. And in that way I think Ida, Always fills a very important niche for exploring that time before death. Every single page between finding out that Ida is sick and her eventual death are absolutely spellbinding.
13. Duck, Death, and the Tulip
Written and Illustrated by Wolf Erlbruch
Wolf Erlbruch’s illustrations in Duck, Death, and the Tulip are outstanding and certainly worthy of framing on the wall. And he backs them up with a very creative, existential exploration of life and death.
Duck and Death develop a short-lasting relationship in this book - once Duck finally notices that Death is there that is. Duck wonders aloud what will happen to her after she dies, and Death pokes a little fun at the funny stories about the afterlife that ducks come up with. And to soothe duck’s concerns that her little pond will be lonely when she’s gone, Death points out that her pond won’t exist anymore - not for Duck anyway.
It’s certainly a grim book in many ways, with a very matter-of-fact portrayal of death. But it’s also incredibly enchanting and mesmerizing - and certainly very philosophical. In the end, after Duck dies, Death lays Duck in the great river and is “almost a little moved” by the whole thing. “But that’s life,” thinks Death.
12. The Dead Bird
Written by Margaret Wise Brown and Illustrated by Christian Robinson
The Dead Bird was written by the inimitable Margaret Wise Brown, and it was originally published in 1938. The newest edition is paired with the amazing illustrations of one of our favorite artists - Christian Robinson.
What really strikes me about this story is how matter-of-fact it is. The detailed description of the dead bird can really take you aback the first time you read it:
“And even as they held it, it began to get cold, and the limp bird body grew stiff…”
But honestly, that’s a big part of what makes Brown’s story so special. It’s an unabashed exploration of discovering death as a child - followed by a chance to have a funeral the way that adults do. And the honesty in the story makes the actions of the kids that much more meaningful.
The kids cover the grave with flowers, and they even sing the bird an impromptu song. And, best of all, they return to the grave every day to visit the bird and put fresh flowers on his grave - until they forget.
11. What Happens Next?
Written and Illustrated by Shinsuke Yoshitake
The books by Shinsuke Yoshitake are all absolutely delightful, and I absolutely recommend that you read every single one of them. He has a magnificent ability to combine complex philosophy with quirky silliness, and the result is ceaselessly entertaining.
What Happens Next? is his attempt at tackling the topic of death, and in it a boy discovers the journal of his dead grandfather. Inside is a collection of thoughts and sketches from his grandfather - all about what might happen to him when he dies. What comes next is an avalanche of zany sketches that are oftentimes very, very hilarious, but also oftentimes thought-provoking.
Heaven and hell are both mentioned, but it’s all really approached in a lighthearted and philosophical kind of way. The boy even begins to question if Grandpa was actually afraid of dying, and he begins to wonder what will happen to him when he dies. This leads him to a conversation about death with his dad, and his dad’s explanation is really quite perfect.
10. The Boy and the Gorilla
Written by Jackie Azúa Kramer and Illustrated by Cindy Derby
The Boy and the Gorilla is a new release in 2020 that deserves a lot of attention. The boy in this story has lost his mother, and a gorilla shows up to keep him company and answer his questions as he is grieving her loss. The simplicity of their back and forth coupled with the beautiful and somber watercolor illustrations makes for a very powerful work of art.
There is a lot of emotion in this book, and most of it is bottled up. I love how a major focus of the story is actually how the boy and his father are having trouble communicating with each other after losing their mom and wife. The book does a spectacular job highlighting the importance of honest communication - both by the direct honesty of the gorilla’s answers, and the climax of the boy speaking to his father about his feelings that brought me to tears.
9. The Heart and the Bottle
Written and Illustrated by Oliver Jeffers
Oliver Jeffers never fails to deliver a one-of-a-kind experience in his books. His take on death in The Heart and the Bottle is impressively poignant and very beautiful. In it, he uses the metaphor of a girl locking her heart away in a bottle to keep it safe. And she does this after a very subtle, but very heartbreaking, scene of someone dying. She basically shuts out the world in a way I’m sure many readers who have lost someone can relate to.
What I really love about this book is that it also tackles the innocence of childhood and the sadness of growing up. After locking her heart away in a bottle, the girl forgets about her interest in the stars and the sea and all of her curiosities. But after she grows up, her relationship with a little girl turns out to be the key to rediscovering her childlike heart.
8. The End of Something Wonderful
Written by Stephanie V. W. Lucianovic and Illustrated by George Ermos
The End of Something Wonderful is basically an instruction manual for what to do when a pet dies. It tackles the topic of death from a delightfully comic point of view. I would describe the entire book as a dark, comedic take on death - but with a heartfelt message still at its core.
Take, for instance, step one - the very first line of the book:
“First you need something dead, meaning something that was once alive but isn’t any longer.”
Humans have a longstanding tradition for dealing with difficult topics using humor - and The End of Something Wonderful does it masterfully. But the reason it’s such a special book is because of the many nods it gives to legitimate feelings in between the jokes. You know it’s a special work of art when it can make you laugh and bring a tear to your eye at the same time.
7. The Rough Patch
Written and Illustrated by Brian Lies
The Rough Patch is about a fox named Evan who suddenly loses his best friend - his pet dog. I can’t think of a single book that portrays the feelings of despair that you can feel when you lose your best friend. The Rough Patch stands out because Evan takes a deep dive not only into sadness - but anger.
Brian Lies’ illustrations convey Evan’s feelings in a truly masterful way. Evan is a gardener, and, after his dog dies, he decides he doesn’t want beautiful things in his life anymore. If he’s going to feel terrible, he wants everything around him to look just as nasty and terrible as he feels. Then he creates a dark and creepy garden that’s enough to literally scare our 3-year-old (in a good way). It’s emotionally very powerful, and it’s the perfect chance to explore the wide range of feelings you might be feeling when someone dies, and to commiserate with others.
6. Calling the Wind
Written by Trudy Ludwig and Illustrated by Kathryn Otoshi
This collaboration between Ludwig and Otoshi is really quite beautiful. It functions as a wordless picture book for many pages of the book - because the focus is smartly on the silent emotions this family is dealing with. But the narration and dialogue that is found in the book is very well chosen and powerfully effective.
This is a heartbreaking story of loss. Through clues we learn that a family has lost their mother, and we get to watch as each member of the family deals with it in their own way. One by one they are drawn towards the phone booth inspired by famous wind phone in Japan - where they talk to their loved one and say what they need to say.
This book was crafted with a lot of care and is going to end up being a very helpful resource for a lot of people out there dealing with grief. I’m very impressed with it.
5. The Most Beautiful Story
Written by Brynjulf Jung Tjonn and Illustrated by Oyvind Torseter
Many of Oyvind Torseter’s beautiful works of art end up dealing with death in some way, so I suppose it’s no surprise that he has two beautiful books on this particular list. This book is a heartbreaker, and I love how it leaves room for interpretation and a little bit of ambiguity between the lines.
It’s not entirely clear what has happened in this book, but it seems like a young girl’s younger brother has died, and she carries him around in this book in a beautiful display of metaphor. The young girl is traveling to a special place to hear a story told by a mysterious woman. The story, it turns out, is about her brother, and there’s magic in it. The story breathes life back into her brother, and she pities her parents that don’t understand how he can still breathe at times.
I can’t heap enough praise on this beautiful book. It’s a true work of art and a real treasure, and just about the most beautiful demonstration of the healing and saving power of storytelling that you could hope for.
4. The Phone Booth in Mr. Hirota’s Garden
Written by Heather Smith and Illustrated by Rachel Wada
Inspired by the true story of the man who built a phone booth in his garden to speak to the dead - and the thousands of people who flocked to it after the devastating tsunami in Japan. This book is painfully beautiful and incredibly special. Anyone dealing with the emotions of loss will undoubtedly relate to the story, and perhaps find a bit of catharsis putting words to their feelings - and letting them ride the wind like in the story.
I can’t say enough positive things about this powerful work of art. The art is remarkable and it’s so obviously a labor of love. Whether you’re looking specially for picture books about death, or just beautiful works of art to add to your home library, don’t pass this one by.
3. Ocean Meets Sky
Written and Illustrated by The Fan Brothers
We are very big fans of the books made by The Fan Brothers, and Ocean Meets Sky is one of my favorite picture books ever made. We chose it as the very best picture book of 2018, and wrote about why we love it so much in a featured article as well. Suffice it to say, this book is very special.
It tells the tale of a boy who has recently lost his grandfather, with whom he had a very special relationship built on imagination and storytelling. In particular, his grandfather would always tell stories about a place where ocean meets sky, and he promised they would travel there together one day. But when his grandfather died before they could make the trip, the boy built a boat to set sail and find the magical place out on the horizon by himself.
This book tiptoes on the edge of reality and fantasy, and it’s the ultimate embodiment of true love and childlike wonder. Finn’s grandfather made a lasting and memorable difference in his life. He built up his childlike wonder and gave him magic - just like I desperately hope to do for our own kids. It’s about the impression that we leave behind and I can’t overstate the beauty found here.
2. My Father’s Arms are a Boat
Written by Stein Erik Lunde and Illustrated by Øyvind Torseter
My Father’s Arms are a Boat is one of the most beautiful and heartbreaking books I have ever read. It’s a masterful work of art - with details revealed very subtly and powerfully. I can’t recommend tracking it down any more highly. The narrator in the story is a young boy who tells us about a painfully sad night with his father - shortly after his mother has died.
I can’t put my finger on how it happens, but somehow I’m left with feelings of hope, despite the terrible sadness. The hauntingly-beautiful, paper-cutout art from Torseter probably has a lot to do with it. But so does the tender relationship between this father and son. By the end of the story I very much want to believe the dad when he says everything is going to be okay.
1. Cry, Heart, But Never Break
Written by Glenn Ringtved and Illustrated by Charlotte Pardi
Glenn Ringtved’s story about a dying grandmother is my personal favorite picture book about death for many reasons. Chief among them is the incredibly original plot. Death is personified as an actual visitor in the woman’s home. Some of the grandchildren like to pretend he isn’t there, while some look straight at him. But it’s definitely gloomy with Death around.
The very best part of the story is that the woman’s grandchildren don’t want her to die, so they hatch a plan to trick death. They would keep Death away from their grandmother by giving him coffee all night. But their grandmother’s time comes anyway, and one of the kids asks why she has to die.
As a reply, death tells a beautiful story - an allegory that ultimately explains the sometimes harsh reality that there is no joy without sorrow. What would life be without death? It’s a deep concept, to be sure, but an interesting one and an important one. And I find Death’s words when he takes their grandmother away truly comforting and inspirational:
“Cry, Heart, but never break. Let your tears of grief and sadness help begin new life.”
You can also find Cry, Heart, But Never Break on our list of the best picture books with life lessons.
Have you read any of the books on this list with your children? Did we miss your favorite picture book that deals with death? Please share them with us in the comments - and help other readers who may be looking for more resources on this difficult topic.